
Search results

  1. Dana Martin

    Dana Martin Research Associate 1-B/H-NE (Hand) Kottman Hall (Columbus) BS ... Agriculture Plant Health Management, Ohio State MS Plant Pathology, Ohio State- Any- Journal article Book/book ...

  2. Clay Miller

    College of Dentistry as an Information Associate, assisting in the scheduling and management of the ...

  3. Alia Dietsch

    Resources ENR 3600 – Recreation Management on Public Lands ENR 6510 – Research Design for Environmental ... Sustainable Forest Management for Multiple Values: a paradigm shift. Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, ... Alia Dietsch Associate Professor in Parks, Protected Areas, Natural Resources Management ...

  4. Corn Silage Pricing

    Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and ... for the variable costs (seed, fertilizer, chemicals, machinery, labor, insurance, etc.) and fixed ... $550/acre and fixed land, labor, and management costs at $444/acre for a total cost of $994/acre to grow and ...

  5. M. Soledad Benitez Ponce

    arising from the application of different organic field management strategies. Soil Biology and ... required for integrating microbial community, soil, and plant health data.  Currently, my research is ... communities shift with plant parasitic nematode abundance in soils.  agriRxiv. CABI International agriRxiv. ...

  6. Graduate Exit Seminar- Megan Greige

    streams also play an important role in exporting nutrients which can impact water quality downstream. ...

  7. USDA invests $10 million in Ohio State led team to accelerate adoption of climate smart agricultural practices

    of researchers, educators, and extension experts led by The Ohio State University has received a $10 ... declines in soil health and organic matter, water quality challenges, loss of biodiversity, and increased ... agriculture,” said Douglas Jackson-Smith, project lead, professor, and Kellogg Chair of Agroecosystem Management ...

  8. The OSU Viticultre Program is hiring

    have meaningful impacts in the viticulture communities in Ohio. The research technician will work ... ...

  9. Graduate Exit Seminar- Josephine Duffy

    soil carbon and compaction were minimal. Future research should examine what site-specific factors may ... and Soil Compaction in a Reclaimed Mineland." Abstract:  Strip-mining has extensive impacts on ... vegetation and soil. Reclaimed mineland soils are often highly compacted and depleted of plant-available ...

  10. Soil Fertility

    ENR 5270 Provides a broad overview of the principles of soil fertility, plant nutrition, & ... nutrient management in managed ecosystems. Covers foundational information on the cycling of individual ... nutrients in soil, including the biotic and abiotic factors that influence these dynamics. Exposure to many ...
