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  1. Farm Management Helpful Links

    OSU Farm Office Website Cash Rent and Farmland Values Custom Rates and Machinery Costs Enterprise Budgets Profitability     ...

  2. Manure to Energy Through Anaerobic Digestion

    by-product of anaerobic digestion. The effluent can be used as soil amendments and liquid fertilizers, and it ... State University/Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) Yebo Li, Assistant Professor ... and Extension Engineer, The Ohio State University/Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ...

  3. Ohio youth compete in the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships

    proud of our Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports teams and their coaches,” said Winters. “The teamwork, the ... (Union County) placed fifth in the Wildlife ID and Management competition. The Hunting and Wildlife ... Wildlife ID and Management team competition, the General Hunting Skills and Map/Compass Knowledge team ...

  4. Investing in the future

    “Kristin and I believe in the work of 4-H and the Ohio 4-H Foundation. As we consider our philanthropic ...

  5. From the small screen to a national stage

    handheld camera. I quickly became intrigued at how a short video could convey so much and how our family ... videos effectively shared our story simply through visuals.”  As a 14-year 4-H’er from Athens County, ...

  6. Growing Hardy Figs in Ohio

    first time at our research center really liked them. However, growers are encouraged to only plant ... HYG-1439 Agriculture and Natural Resources 05/28/2020 M. Ryan Slaughter, Research Assistant II, ... suggested cultivars since our preliminary experience with them was positive.    Brown Turkey Figure 3. ...

  7. Ohio farmers get answers to top concerns at Farm Science Review

    associate professor and Ohio State University Extension field specialist in farm management. “Despite these ... harvest season, Clevenger said. “Our experts will share science-based recommendations and solutions to the ... can speak one-on-one with experts in farm management to ask questions specific to their needs.” New ...

  8. Nurturant Grandfathering: Investment Work

    Research indicates, even after accounting for the amount of contact, there is a moderately strong tie ... his grandchild’s personal development. Benefits to Grandfathers Research on grandfathers who ... fulfilling his role in the family. Research shows that grandfathers who engaged in investment work also ...

  9. New online database a "FRST" in fertilizer knowledge sharing

    fertility and nutrient management in Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, ... future advancements in crop nutrient management. The team represents nearly 50 universities, USDA, ... is part of the team and is excited about the new online national soil fertility database and decision ...

  10. Choosing a Laboratory for Nutrient and Soil Health Testing

    optimize their nutrient management plans. Implementing recommendations based on soil test data prevents ... Crops and Livestock soil testing soil health nutrient laboratory nutrient management ohio Agriculture ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; The Ohio State University Steve Culman; Soil Fertility ...
