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  1. Calculate Your GPA

    our example is considered to be in  Good Academic Standing. ...

  2. Ohio in Prime Position to Fill Green Energy Gaps

    policy brief. " Making Green Jobs Work for Ohio," was written by research assistant Amanda ...

  3. Bob Gustafson Wins Ohio State Distinguished Faculty Service Award

    maintained an active program of research, scholarship, or creative work.  Recipients are nominated by members ...

  4. New development staff for Wooster campus

    Columbus, she is responsible for major gifts fundraising and for managing a team in Wooster that supports ...

  5. Assessment and Comparison of Farm Safety Net Proposals

    management farm safety net, a step that began with the introduction of the Average Crop Revenue Election ...

  6. Price vs. Revenue Farm Safety Net

    based farm safety net likely will likely increase the effective risk management provided by the farm ...

  7. Global Climate Change Policy – Extractive Industry Impacts and Response

    Representatives Committee on the Budget, and before that for USDA’s Economic Research Service. Dr. Hopkins ...

  8. Executive Summary: 2012 Bexley School District Lunch Survey

      The Bexley Health and Wellness Committee, in cooperation with researchers from Ohio State ...

  9. From Hopeless to Curious? Thoughts on Hausman's “Dubious to Hopeless” Critique of Contingent Valuation

    is unwarranted, and that plenty of work remains to be done for the truly curious researcher. More ...

  10. Ohio State Economists to Discuss Sustainable Development at Conference with Jeffrey Sachs

    closing session of the COMPAS event. Irwin is a co-investigator on several research projects funded by the ...
