
Search results

  1. Meat Class Presents Final Projects

    Macdonald Wick and Dr. Henry Zerby. In addition, experts like Meat Lab Manager Ron Cramer and ...

  2. Recruiting and Hiring Outstanding Employees

    Managers face a major challenge in finding and keeping quality employees. Finding the quality ...

  3. Co-Producer Interest

    delegating, and manage their time well. In addition, there is a lot of video and presentation editing, so ...

  4. Faculty Serve as Co-Organizers for Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics Conference in China

    economics, urban economics, and spatial economics in China and to develop a stronger research network for ...

  5. Agricultural Outlook Webinar

    possible impact on Ohio. * Barry Ward, leader of OSU Extension's Production Business Management ...

  6. In Memoriam

    was a 1985 graduate of Ohio State ATI and worked as a project manager for Patti Group of Novelty, ...

  7. Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium Update

    management, and have served as editor of The Shepherd Magazine for many years. They have made an impact on the ... related to many sheep production and management topics. The Shepherd Magazine has also been involved in ...

  8. Culture Matters: Managing Unconscious Bias

    Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is the capability to relate and work effectively in culturally diverse situations. It involves going beyond existing notions of cultural sensitivity and awareness in order to work and relate with people and projects across cultu ...

  9. A Welfare Analysis of Conservation Easement Tax Credits

    will focus on his recent research: " A Welfare Analysis of Conservation Easement Tax ...

  10. Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2006-2007

    professional groups that are knowledgeable of Ohio’s cropland markets. Surveyed groups include farm managers ...
