
Search results

  1. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series- Wayne County

    County Location: Fisher Auditorium, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), 1680 ...

  2. Twenty Years of Combined Animal Sciences!

    Agriculture at the time of the reorganization, "The driving force behind this plan is enhancing our ... ability to attract and adequately serve students, to better meet the needs of our external clients and to ...

  3. How can we recruit more Latino students in agriculture?

    future of our society and will have the potential to impact agriculture. Given the rapidly changing ...

  4. Younkin Success Center

    Dennis Learning Lab Assists students with study skills, time management, test-taking strategies, learning ...

  5. Donations

    is already in our breeding herd. If they meet these criteria, they may be kept for several years or ... before being sold at our Buckeye Bonanza Horse Sale. We take all breeds, ages, and types. When we receive ...

  6. Sombrero Ranches Summer Internship

    Each year, several of our stables hire people from around the country to come spend a summer in ...

  7. Out for Blood: Ticks, Lyme Disease Cases on the Rise in Ohio

    Needham said researchers and public health authorities are paying particular attention to  Lyme disease, ...

  8. Undergraduate Students Return from 2013 National Agri-Marketing (NAMA) Conference Feeling Inspired

    their skills in market research, business writing, and public speaking. Nine Ohio State undergrads from ... proposing new products. Whether they are inputs or consumer products, extensive market research and analysis ...

  9. Gina Hnytka, Outstanding AEDE Undergrads Recognized at Annual CFAES Banquet

    Sustainability (EEDS) programs Gina Hnytka, Program Manager for the EEDS major and AEDE’s undergraduate and ...

  10. Ohio State Fair

    Don't forget the state fair this year! Many of our faculty and staff members and students ...
