
Search results

  1. Autumn 2015 SENR Seminar

    implications of value shift in light of the environmental challenges we face? Overall, my program of research ...

  2. The Art of Recycling

    students to create works of art from recycled materials. Meet many of our student sustainability ...

  3. ENRAS Executive Council Meeting

    at the Longaberger Alumni House, Arizona Room. Executive Board members are encouraged to attend. Our ...

  4. Adjustments for Late Planted (or Replanted) Soybean

     In general, we don’t recommend altering soybean management until planting in June.  Below are some ...

  5. Workshop: Get to Know Your Woods and What Lives There

    managing the new deadly thousand cankers disease in walnut trees.   There will be sessions, too, on making ...

  6. Are you Prepared?

    Lisa Pfeifer – OSU Ag Safety and Health Education Coordinator: “Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.” is the Department of Homeland Security’s campaign slogan for National Preparedness Month this September. Are you prepared? ...

  7. Cressleaf Groundsel- The Ubiquitous Yellow Weed

    available in the “Other Weeds’ category on our website,, and a brief video by OSU ... risk to animals that ingest it.  The following information on toxicity comes directly from our fact ...

  8. TWEL Bret Graves Thesis

    abundant grassland species recorded within both management areas. Although numbers of grasshopper sparrows, ... most strongly influences nest survival. Thus, managers should consider controlling woody encroachment ...

  9. National Academies of Science Forum includes SENR prof

    ways to raise the visibility of scientific research in public debates over genetic engineering. In the ...

  10. Central Ohio Sierra Club Volunteer Orientation Program

    overview of the Sierra Club (Our History, important events within the club, current mission and volunteer ...
