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  1. Conservation Impact! How to Accelerate Your Efforts in Conservation Course Syllabus

    local products, recycling, and growing native plants. Yet we worry that our “private sphere” actions are ...


    Updates by OARDC-funded scientists on their multi-year organic soil management project; oat, corn ...

  3. Goatsuckers on the Move: Migration and Winter Ecology of the Midwest's Eastern Whip-poor-wills

    Join us February 5 th   for our Friday’s Escape to the Forest Webinar – Goatsuckers on the Move: ...

  4. Blight to Bright: Reimagining Vacant Land

    vacant land as a habitat for insects and source of many important ecosystem services we derive from our ... manages over 30,000 vacant lots in which to reimagine these greenspaces to promote conservation and ...

  5. Living Landscape Speaker Series

    conferences, and publications centered on wildlife ecology and biology, habitat management for wildlife, and ... managing nuisance wildlife species. ...

  6. Campus Information

    The Wooster Campus of Ohio State University includes the Ohio Agricultural Research and ... to ensure that our college mission areas have access to all of the available resources. The Wooster ... exciting opportunity to strengthen and grow our collective Wooster community. If you have an item that ...

  7. A Day in the Woods series 'ADVICE from the WOODS' Finally, don’t forget to check out our library of videos that are available on Tree ID,  Chainsaw ...

  8. 1st_ 2017 OCVN Quarterly Webinar Series

    Profiles in Service Please consider participating or viewing our quarterly OCVN webinars. This ... National Estuarine Research Reserve, Cleveland Metroparks and the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. He is also ... represents the broad spectrum of biodiversity found within the geographic area of northern Ohio. Each of our ...

  9. Champaign County Precision Ag Day

    farm research and will continue with data management, data stewardship fundamentals and troubleshooting ... Learn about Data Management in Precision Agriculture. The day will start with  an overview of on ... Scheiderer with Integrated Ag Services and a panel of farmers who will discuss how they use and manage data ...

  10. Upcoming webinar 'Impacts of Climate Change on Forests and Wildlife

    indicators of forest conditions and management goals. Therefore, understanding how bird and tree species ... habitats may respond to ongoing climate change will be critical to meeting conservation and management ...
