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Dry Conditions in Corn & Stalk Quality Concerns
stalk infection by fungi. The stalk rot fungi typically survive in corn residue on the soil surface and ... these factors, each field should be scouted separately. Although research has shown and we can expect ...
Exploring Crop and Livestock Integration: Barriers and Benefits- Darke County
systems. During this event attendees will consider soil health results and other on-farm data from our ... project is supported by a grant from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Soil and Water ... Management ...
Crop and Conservation Field Day Defiance Ohio
Join OSU Extension and the Defiance Soil and Water Conservation District for an evening field day ... P Loss Dr. Manbir Rakkar – A Tool in the Toolbox for Improving Soil and Water Quality: Cover Crops ... Concluding with a tour of the in-field and edge of field water management of the Defiance Agricultural ...
Soybean Harvest Considerations During Dry Weather
and chaff, which need to be brushed away from the soil surface. Green stem. Green stem occurs when ...
Kevin Wyatt
many aspects of biogeochemical cycling and food-web dynamics. Our research contributes to a growing ... Website Microbial & Ecosystem Ecology Lab ( Research Interests My research integrates ... conduct both basic and applied research on a wide range of environmental issues involving streams, lakes ...
SENR Seminar Series- The role of Science & Scientists in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
and testifying experts. This seminar explores how our team of scientists became storytellers, the ... University Moritz College of Law. Her PhD research is at the intersection of disaster law, social justice, ... movements could be used to address inequities created by formal disaster management systems. She previously ...
Corn Yield Forecasts for Ohio as of August 27, 2024
August 27. Forecasts help researchers, growers, and industry stakeholders to make management, logistics, ... yield-limiting factors such as crop stand issues, storm damage, replanting, disease, or nutrient losses. ...
Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Sauerkraut
cold, clean water to remove soil or debris. Cut the head of cabbage into pieces and remove the center ...
Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees
a documented impact on improving on-the-job effectiveness as either a manager or an employee. We will focus our ... the research reveals the common and easily replicable habits of effective managers. Effective ... managers. The first two habits reveal the need to overcome our natural human (and managerial) tendency to be ...
SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds
weather surveillance radar as a research tool to get unprecedented observations of birds migrating at ... night. I will highlight three aspects of my recent research using radar to quantify how nocturnally ... of urban areas throughout the entire US. Our effort to model the stopover distributions of migrating ...