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And now for a really big show: See latest ag tech, innovations
latest research on improving a farm’s bottom line, said Chuck Gamble, manager of the show, which is ... research arm. “When you talk about technology and innovation, that’s what farmers are looking for and what ... advance their farm operations. “We’ll offer information on new markets, such as growing hops to locally ...
Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast Program
soon for the Wednesday, December 4 EPN Breakfast program Digging in with Ohio's Soil Experts! On ... the eve of the internationally celebrated World Soil Day, Terry Cosby (state conservationist for the ... remarks and a notable collection of Ohio’s soil experts, including Drs. Rattan Lal, Jeff Hattey, Scott ...
Teaming up with farmers to protect Ohio’s water
in terms of phosphorus runoff. Data is being collected on soils, farmers’ management practices, and ... that farmers use to predict phosphorus runoff from their fields, know their management options and ... index more accurate and to increase farmers’ management options for reducing phosphorus runoff, said ...
Living Landscape Speaker Series
places. This skill is especially important when designing and managing living landscapes that support ... a celebration of the unprogrammed qualities of our gardens and community landscapes. Suggested references: The ... register for our final session with Rick Darke. ...
directing research on the station land. The budget was a meager $3000 per year. The work went slowly and was ... Cooperative Experimentation at the research station. The following year the university hired Mr. A.B. Graham ... The era of Director Thorne was one of farm land reclamation, fertilizers, horses and steam power. The ...
A Day in the Woods Series 'Managing Oaks for Wildlife' Virtual Zoom Webinar
programs available to private woodland owners, and landscape-scale management planning. ...
EPN Webinar-Women Owning Woodlands: Networks for inclusive land stewardship
announce registration is open for our next EPN Webinar, Women Owning Woodlands: Networks for inclusive land ... Educator, Hocking Soil & Water Conservation District), Dani Gill (Wildlife ... Specialist/Forester/Technician, Hocking Soil & Water Conservation District), Jessica Miller (Community Forester, Holden ...
OARDC Impacts
for research on disease management. This work impacts virus disease manage management in a global food ... done: The Ohio State University and United States Department of Agriculture researchers conducted ... viruses are spread. Results: New, critical information for wheat management was discovered, including two ...
Scarlet, gray make a brownfield green: OARDC team turns waste into soil
pathogens and full of nutrients that help plants grow. In this case, the sewage came from Chicago’s sanitary ... sewer system. In test plots at the site, a biosolids-based soil blend made by Basta and team worked ... better than a wood-chip-based compost at supporting plants and beneficial soil organisms. The slag is ...
Friday's Escape to the Forest Webinar
Join us! Registration is open for our October 16 th webinar – Management: Deer and Habitat You can ...