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  1. Xtend soybean/dicamba information

    The latest blog post on the OSU weed management website,, has information on ...

  2. March Workshops Offer Marketing Strategies for Ohio Food Businesses

    program manager. It will also feature a presentation on the Maps & Apps mobile media marketing ...

  3. Unleashing the Power of Group Wisdom

    ownership for achieving a desired outcome. In fact, when done properly, group decision-making may be our ...

  4. ‘A Game-Changer’: Rapid Infrared Analysis Could Streamline Food Processing Tests

    Agricultural Research and Development Center, the research arm of the college. Within the last four years, ...

  5. GRA Positions available

    Graduate Research Associate Positions--Feedstock Logistics Funding is available for a  graduate ... research assistant to work on feedstock logistics, techno-economic modelling, or  life cycle assessment.  ...

  6. Pesticide Exam

    can be purchased in our office. ...

  7. CD Weekly Wire- July 9, 2012

    teams communicates topics of importance to us. It also better enables our colleagues to decide how and ... were part of a team you know has disbanded, please send that info, too. After we have a handle on our ... revision, and/or new development continuing efforts to create and maintain our web and social media presence ...

  8. JD Equipment and OSU Offer Students a Unique Hands-On Opportunity

    the university's Agricultural Systems Management (ASM) classes a unique hands-on field laboratory ... Agricultural Systems Management Farm Science Review hands-on ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-17

    (above- and below-ground), including the uptake of the lion's share of soil nutrients for use during ... damage. More information on this evaluation is in the 2000 Agronomic Crops Team On-Farm Research Projects ... nutrients and carbon dioxide into sugars, starches, and other plant dry matter. Subsequently, the stalk ...

  10. Fall 2015 Continuum

    Sciences Read about the impact our faculty, staff, students and alumni are having! Thursday, October 1, ...
