
Search results

  1. New Law Bulletin: Continuous Release Reporting of Air Emissions for Livestock Farms

    CERCLA has been delayed by the court until January 22, 2018.  Our new law bulletin helps livestock farms ...

  2. Farm Management Field Day

    Join us to learn more about efficient farm management and how to integrate technology into your ...

  3. Maple Syrup Open House

    and maple syrup treats and ice cream will be on the menu!   Visit our Extension table from noon to ...

  4. 4-H Open House

    this fun interactive evening to learn more about 4-H This is an evening for our community to find out ...

  5. Spotted Wing Drosophila Workshop

    management including how to monitor adults with baited traps, how to use effective cultural controls, and how ... to manage SWD with insecticides if the pest is detected. We will also demonstrate how to use a salt ...

  6. The Ohio Ag Law Blog--In Deep Water—EPA and states face lawsuits over water pollution

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Spring Horticulture Seminar: Spring Into Action!

    Interested in learning about both annual and woody vines that grow well in our climate?  This session will ...

  8. Solar Leasing for Agricultural Lands Webinar on April 4

    Consortium, an agricultural law research and outreach partnership that includes Ohio State University's ...

  9. Ohio Ag Law Blog--What are states doing about agricultural nutrient impacts on water quality?

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. Selling Food at the Farm: When do you Need a License?

    of license or inspection to sell food from the farm?”  Our new Law Bulletin  Selling Food at the ...
