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Boosting Soybean Yield/Profits Involves a Mix of Management Practices
April 16, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Careful incorporation of inoculants, fungicide seed treatments and reduced seeding rates into a crop production program may give soybean farmers a boost in yield and extra money in their pockets at the end of the growing sea ...
Wheat Field Day, Northwest Agricultural Research Station, Custar
Spring Symposium, First Year Grad Student Research Proposals
244 Kottman (Columbus) videolink to 121 Fisher (Wooster). 12 noon: Potluck in Columbus, 333 Kottman. Organized by the Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association. Contact: ...
Meet our Faculty & Staff
Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, RPAC, Columbus
Abstracts Due for Denman Undergraduate Research Forum
Seminar: Don Nuss, Professor & Director, Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology Research, Univ. of Maryland
Fisher 121 (Wooster) videolinked to Kottman 244 (Columbus). Mycoviruses at the fungal-plant interface: New insights into RNA silencing, viral RNA recombination and the genetics of fungal non-self recognition ...
OTF Turfgrass Research Field Day, Columbus