
Search results

  1. Tagged to Teach Ag Day

    other universities and high schools across our country. The Department of Agricultural Communication, ... high school agriculture to visit campus and learn more about our agriscience education program. ...

  2. Warning Labels and Equipment Manuals can Help Reduce Injuries

    equipment manual can be great tools for refreshing our memory of the hazards associated with the equipment. ...

  3. Tractor Accident Can Happen to Anyone

    Research Center (CREM/ICRC) in collaboration with the West Virginia Farm Bureau to gather information about ... national distribution. Dr. Jim Helmkamp, the Director of the WVU Injury Control Research Center, led the ...

  4. About Us

    agricultural, and environmental sciences to integrate research-based information through learning, practice, and ...

  5. 4-H Ohio Fair Managers Conference- Junior Fair Day


  6. OSU South Centers Hops Field Day

    This is a comprehensive tour hosted by OSU's Brad Bergefurd. Registration is required by June 13, 2017. Cost is 25.00 per person or 40.00 per family (up to 3 members). More information can be found here. ...

  7. News

    our Ohio ATV Program, as well introduce new activities to encourage and engage youth to practice ... safety. The overall objective of our program is to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities while ... the ASI e-course. We look to incorporate the Tread Sylvania video game into our Ohio State Fair ...

  8. EFNEP

    children how to make healthier food choices, manage their food resources, improve their food safety ...

  9. Reducing Stress for a Healthy Heart

    stress. Other suggestions for managing stress include: ·      Begin to take note of things that cause you ...

  10. How to Apply

    (employer, position, dates) Research experience and publications Honors/awards received Service Note: ... supervised the student in a class or research project are the most relevant. Recommendations should be ...
