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  1. Purchasing Nutrients for Hay and Forage Crops

    can best utilize nutrients, managing your nitrogen source, and comparing the total cost of fertilizer ... compare single nutrient fertilizers. Calculating Fertilizer Cost Based on Soil-Test Results Rarely do ... the nutrient level of the soil and the amounts of lime and fertilizers necessary to achieve ...

  2. Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses

    Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology; The Ohio State University Bumble bees are managed ... bees are better suited for indoor pollinating than the more commonly managed honey bee because of their ... managed bees for the purpose of supplying pollination services to crop systems (Strange, 2015). The two ...

  3. Home

    Management ‘73  Research Director, Midwest Biodiversity Institute  Chris completed his undergraduate degree ... of people who share their passion for our world and its environment, natural resources, people, and ... understanding of complex issues are necessary for Ohio, our region, nation, and planet to rise above our ...

  4. Soil Sampling to Develop Nutrient Recommendations

    fertility program starts with a representative soil sample that is used to develop nutrient recommendations. ... Grid Sampling Zone Management Sampling Strengths Non-mobile nutrients P, K and pH Soil test levels ... zone management algae growth fertile soil no-till systems composite sample crop debris Agriculture and ...

  5. X-Disease of Peach, Nectarine, and Cherry

    affected by X-disease appear normal. Management Prevention of X-disease relies on the use of pathogen-free ... propagation and planting material, early detection and testing, management of alternative hosts especially ... purchasing are certified. Monitor and Manage Vectors Leafhoppers are the only known vectors that transmit ...

  6. Cicada Killer Wasp

    prefer to dig new nesting holes in full sun, where well-drained soils exist and vegetation is sparse. ... killer females can cause unsightly soil mounds, often displacing several pounds of soil while tunneling. ... Each female digs an individual burrow 6–10 inches deep and one-half inch wide. The soil is dislodged by ...

  7. Phosphorus Nutrient Management for Yield and Reduced P Loss at Edge of Field

    (i.e., blind inlets) to reduce soil and nutrient losses. No application of P containing fertilizer or ... Professor and State Specialist in Soil Fertility, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio ... organic (i.e., manure, biosolids, compost) nutrient sources to frozen or snow-covered soil unless applied ...

  8. Managing Marestail in No-till Soybeans

    Bill Johnson, Purdue University Guiding Principles of Marestail Management   Combination of fall and ... glyphosate plus ALS inhibitor. Revised 10/19   Ag Crops and Livestock Farm Management marestail managing ...

  9. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University Extension, Wooster The flu is a contagious ...

  10. Project Guide (formerly Family Guide)

    to our entire collection of Ohio 4-H project books for the year. Each project book contains ... the new sentence: Youth must complete 174 Beginning Horse Management before taking this project. Page 17: ... annual family guide mailing! Your support is crucial to the success of our 4‑H'ers as they complete ...
