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CD Wire- April 19, 2021
atmosphere, and the answer might be right under our feet: carbon in the soil. The CFAES Dr. Rattan Lal Carbon ... soils. Learn more and register here. Upcoming CFAES Sessions for Research Community: The CFAES Office for ... items going forward. Ideas like videos introducing CD and spending a day or two with one of our ...
What is the state of Agritourism in Ohio?
You Tube to learn about a research study conducted by Community Development Professionals on the ...
Seeing (and using) the good in manure and keeping our water clean, too
farmers and others in the industry. “Manure is an excellent soil amendment and provides nutrients for crop ... growth,” said Glen Arnold, an organizer of the event and manure nutrient management systems field ... which took place in August, had more than a dozen sessions on maximizing the nutrients available in ...
Research Resources
OARDC's Research Profile Ohio State is one of only a few universities in the U.S. that, in ... agriculture. Research activities are emerging from departmental and college silos and occurring within ... Collaboration and partnership are the watchwords for the future and through these, solutions to our greatest ...
CD Wire- June 14, 2021
nutrient loading and projections along with expert commentary and highlights of recent research efforts and ... Update:-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director Thanks As we transition back to our offices, I want to take ... programming and meet the needs of your clientele. In many instances, our clientele base has increased not only ...
Study: Spreading gypsum on farms can help keep water clean, not green
plants. Gypsum also provides calcium and sulfur, nutrients that can improve the soil and crop yields. ... Gypsum, which has roots in the past as a farm soil treatment, also may have a bright future, and ... into a three-year study of gypsum’s benefits on farms, including to soil quality, crop yields and ...
Field to Faucet making strides in improving Ohio’s water quality
address the water quality problem and accelerate our research to reduce the amount of nutrients coming off ... nutrient runoff in side-by-side fields, each under different management systems. To contact the source: Jay ... initiative includes research, training and education, all designed to ensure safe drinking water while ...
(AEX-541) Farm Energy Resources Peak Demand Energy Charges in Agriculture Research Project- Technical ... Reports: Understanding Electric Demand Charges- Farm Energy Management Technical Report # FEM-19-01 (April ...
Beth Bollas
Management Lake County 440-853-2629 ...
Water Quality
fertilizer in the soil where crops can use it and to apply only what is needed for growing crops. ... algal blooms plaguing Lake Erie and other bodies of water in recent years. Researchers at The Ohio State ...