
Search results

  1. Susie Whittington honored by NACTA

    directed a research project, “Improving the Cognitive Capacity of Students by Fully Engaging Professors in ...

  2. Corn Silage Pricing

    Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and ... for the variable costs (seed, fertilizer, chemicals, machinery, labor, insurance, etc.) and fixed ... $550/acre and fixed land, labor, and management costs at $444/acre for a total cost of $994/acre to grow and ...

  3. Older Youth Opportunities

    details. Also, access at Fairfield Soil and Water Conservation District ...

  4. Srikanth Ponneganti

    Srikanth Ponneganti Post Doctoral Researcher 333C Parker Food Science and ...

  5. News and Notes Email Updates

    encouraged to regularly read our Wayne County 4-H News and Notes E-Mail Updates as these messages contain ...

  6. Handbook & Forms

    Form Graduate Student Research Award Application Form Graduate Student Approval of the Research ...

  7. Sustainability Series III: What is the Deal with These Carbon Markets?

    marketplaces. There are 3 rd parties who provide verification and review the scientific research for new carbon ... this may change with time. What is the bottom line? The main thing to be conscious of is that our dairy ...

  8. 4-H Camps

    staff at Tar Hollow, under the direction of our county staff, includes a Camp Manager, Registered ... years. Increased camp fees are due to rising costs of camp-related expenditures across the board. Our ... roughly the age of 15, during the Great Depression in 1929.  With hard times upon our country, jobs and ...

  9. Gardening Webinar Series

    Out Trouble: Managing Invasive Plants in Your Landscape Wednesday, August 28th-  The Good, The Bad and ...

  10. A Matter of Balance- Managing concerns about falls

    has proven to be effective in the management of falls.  The Senior Hub has partnered with OSU ...
