
Search results

  1. Hops Field Night- Bowling Green

    Demonstration Drying Demonstration Insect & Disease Pest Management Nutrient Management & Fertigation ... The Ohio State University will be hosting the Hops Field Night at the Agriculture Incubator ... experienced.  Some of the topics to be discussed are:   Galvanized Trellis System Hop Mechanical Harvesting ...

  2. 2019 Dayton Commercial Recertification Training

    you do not have a current pesticide license, please visit our New Applicator page. Check In:  Check-in ... meet the five hours required for an Ohio commercial license. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator ... Recertification Training:  One hour of agricultural fertilizer applicator recertification training is available ...

  3. Precision University: Nutrient Technology

    manager for CFAES. “We’ll be sharing best management practices and nutrient technologies to help growers ... in nutrient management technology from industry and academia. The “precision” in Precision University ... places nutrients on top of the soil, where they have less of a chance to be taken in by the roots and ...

  4. 2019 Columbus Commercial Recertification Training

    you do not have a current pesticide license,  please visit our New Applicator page. Check In:  ... meet the five hours required for an Ohio commercial license. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator ... Recertification Training:  One hour of agricultural fertilizer applicator recertification training is available ...

  5. Learn to Manage Manure Effectively at Manure Expo, July 9

    have at their disposal, but managing manure effectively begins with knowing a soil's fertility ... University Extension soil fertility specialist, will discuss how manure application rate and timing effect ... unbalanced nutrient source that has to be managed appropriately," said Mullen, who also holds an ...

  6. Farmers need to gear up for more rain

    of speakers on topics including soil health, nutrient management, and cover crops. The conference is ... of nutrients, such as phosphorous and nitrogen, entering Lake Erie and other bodies of water, Wilson ...

  7. Grape and Wine Analysis Workshop

    Attendees will learn proven grape-growing techniques, acquire basic tools to successfully manage a vineyard, ... and how to get started in the wine business. The workshop will touch on vineyard soil and tissue ... analysis, assessing vine balance, sulfur dioxide management in the cellar, new and existing varieties for ...

  8. Management Key to Getting the Most Out of Manure

    related to no-till and conservation tillage. This year's event covers nutrient management, soil and ... fertilizers, but management is the key to profit and crop performance. Jon Rausch, Ohio State University ... nutrients being lost to the environment." Existing nutrient levels in the soil, how much manure is ...

  9. Blueberry Grower School

    Celeste Welty, Spotted Wing Drosophila management update Gary Gao, Irrigation and Nutrient Management in ...

  10. Manure Science Review Set for July 25

    Nutrient Management CEUs. ODA Fertilizer Recertification, 1.0 credit hour. Indiana Office of State Chemist, ... potash nutrients.” Arnold, who is state field specialist for manure nutrient management systems for OSU ... Basin nutrient technician with the Allen, Hardin and Putnam county soil and water conservation ...
