
Search results

  1. Horse Manure Management

    add nitrogen fertilizer to the manure/sawdust mix or to the soil. The added nitrogen can be used by ... soil nitrogen from the growing crops. The fertilizer should be added to the manure prior to spreading ... it on the soil. Another option is to work the fertilizer into the soil after the manure has been ...

  2. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2012

    on a statewide survey conducted in 2012 of 122 farmers, custom operators, farm managers, and ... ( Estimating Farm Machinery Costs ( l)   Average High ... Low Soil Preparation Stalk Chopper / Acre $10.40 $12.60 $8.30 Moldboard Plow /Acre $18.20 $23.30 ...

  3. Guidelines for Choosing a Soil Analytical Laboratory

    Assistant Professor/Extension Soil Fertility/Nutrient Management Specialist, School of Environment and ... concentrations of plant-available nutrients in soil. Research at many land-grant universities over many decades ... analysis laboratory soil types sample collection kit analysis fertilizer recommendations nutrient ...

  4. Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm

    Coordinator, New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health Business and Land Ownership Farm Management ...

  5. Cover Crop Fundamentals

    spring, loss of soil from erosion is greatly reduced. 3. Fertility improvements —Legumes can add ... nutrients. 4. Suppress weeds —A dense stand of winter rye or other cover crop can suppress weeds by soil ... matter content of the soil. Overall, as the cost of fertilizer and herbicides continue to increase, the ...

  6. Ohio Data That Shaped the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations

    wheat alfalfa michigan ohio indiana fertilizer recommendations soil nutrient management tri-state ... that very low soil test levels require high fertilizer rates, but as soil test levels increase, our ... a cornerstone for field crop soil fertility between Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. These recommendations were ...

  7. Hops Downy Mildew

    Management Hops downy mildew is best managed by integrating resistant varieties, cultural practices, and ... manage hops downy mildew in susceptible and some moderately resistant cultivars. Begin applications as ... fall. Commercial growers can consult the Ohio Hop Disease Management Guide (Plant Pathology Series No. ...

  8. Safe Operation of Utility Type Vehicles (UTVs)

    Tractor and Machinery Operation Program. Farm Management farm safety tow utv driving directions safe ...

  9. Effects of Lime and Gypsum Application on Vegetable Yields and Nutrient Availability in Muck Soil

    and subsequently increases pH, a major driver in nutrient availability. Managing pH in muck or organic ... beneficial for vegetable crops in organic soils made essential nutrients less available resulted in yields ... 14.9 15.9 2021 Beets 24.1 23.3 22.9 Conclusions This study demonstrated the importance of managing soil ...

  10. Forest Management

    forest management? If you were to ask a forester to define forest management, he/she would probably tell ... you something like: "Forest management is the application of appropriate technical forestry ... management of a forest to achieve the owner's objectives." Stated more simply, forest management is ...
