
Search results

  1. Leadership Team & Faculty Mentors

    Mentors as necessary. Executive Management Team: Dennis Hall Program Director The Ohio State University ... Dennis Hall is the Director of the CABLE program and leads the Executive Management Team in their roles ... Delegates and takes an active role in their growth. Shannon Hollis Program Manager The Ohio State University ...

  2. Biobased Companies

    to our newest Biobased Radio episode starring Jim Lane, editor and publisher of BioFuels Digest and ... environmentally-friendly and reducing our carbon footprint. With all the new biobased companies being founded, it is easy ... recently spoke to Brad Rogers, Packaging Department Senior Manager with PepsiCo, a multinational company ...

  3. COSI Science Festival: Big Science Celebration

    Science Celebration. On Saturday, May 4 th, we conducted our Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer activities with ... plant-based polyethylene. Through our conversations, we realized that many consumers believed that the green ...

  4. What I Learned From 2,000 Miles On The Road With The Sustainable World Tour

    are so renewable, choosing biobased products is a good, sustainable solution to many of our ... coast in the following weeks. Once I picked up Matthew, we set our navigation and headed for Columbia, ... Drake. After we watched the Buckeyes defeat the USC, we started the last leg of our trip, heading west. ...

  5. Student Delegate Spotlight: Chelsea Tyus

    leadership, and networking. It was a natural choice for me due to my research interests and career ... My research is “Characterizing a co-culture of microalgae for use in food ingredients by analyzing ... enjoy doing in your free time? When I’m not in the lab or researching. I enjoy traveling (Costa Rica, ...

  6. The Bioproducts Network

    chemical and polymer companies, product manufacturers, researchers and procurement officials (corporate and ... fully understand the needs, challenges, and capabilities of our members. This is done through ...

  7. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Knox, Clermont, Clark, & Preble Counties

    County Fair. We set up our activities near the center of the fairgrounds where we were surrounded by food ... vendors. As soon as we began our activities, food truck proprietors began to gather around our tent to see ...

  8. Casey Needham

    prepare students to become leaders in the emerging bioeconomy. Casey manages web content, design, and ...

  9. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer Wraps Up For 2018

    encourage young people to explore one of the many career areas that the bioeconomy has to offer. During our ... available on the market today. After participating in our biobased trivia game, participants walked away ...

  10. CABLE Student Delegate Spotlight: Ernesto Zuleta

    attracted you to CABLE and what do you hope to gain from your experience? My research field is chemical ... that are involved in this sector from the industry, the academy, and the research sector was what ... and expand my professional network. What are your career aspirations? My passion is research in ...
