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  1. Dairy Sustainability Part 2: Methane Mitigating Feed Additives

    and Dr. Joanne Knapp, Fox Hollow Consulting, LLC As we discussed in the first article of our series, ... designed research is necessary to increase confidence in the efficacy of essential oils to reduce methane ... performance benefits are factored in. For your own investigations – please use our Dairy C Calculator. Who are ...

  2. Beat the Heat Before It's Late: Cooling Strategies for Dairy Cattle

    waiting areas near the milking parlor. Research I have conducted in the past showed that a 45-minute ... is a misconception that calves are more resilient than other life stages; however, researchers have ... found that they are more sensitive to high heat load, even in temperate climates like ours. For calves ...

  3. Using Dairy Manure with Newly Planted Corn and Soybeans

    Glen Arnold, Extension Field Specialist for Manure Nutrient Management, The Ohio State University ... soybeans. The seed is protected by an inch or more of soil. In university research, the application of ... adding moisture to the soil that can enhance crop germination and emergence, especially if the weather ...

  4. Raksha Suresh

    Raksha Suresh Graduate Research Associate ...

  5. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference hosts 400 students, faculty from several universities

    conference provided an opportunity for both undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their research ... and heifer development, and feeding program management. Representatives of 7 different universities, ... medicine presented at the conference. The student research competition consisted of 12 undergraduates, 12 ...

  6. Highlighting Research: 7 Student, Faculty & Staff researchers and the questions they are answering

    management practices, his research team also generates data that quantifies the impacts of utility-scale ... enhance our food to better support nutritional needs? This is what graduate researcher Milena Conte works ... The Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University is home to many researchers and ...

  7. Gardening for Conservation Webinar Series- Everyone Loves Free (plant) Food!

    We’re thrilled to announce our  Gardening for Conservation  webinar series, brought to you by The ... soil health, build organic matter and keep valuable materials from the landscape. Come learn the basics ... the same time. Our discussion will also include why leaving your leaves can help plants and wildlife ...

  8. Hamilton County Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) Program Receives an Award at the State MGV Conference

    Volunteer program was awarded the Overall Winner in the Large Program category for our project with Druffel ...

  9. Tri-State Manure Field Day

    Mr. Glen Arnold, Extension Field Specialist, Manure Management, Ohio State University Extension ...

  10. Up for the Challenge – Dairy Challenge

    challenge each fall semester to provide training for students in the dairy herd management course and other ... opportunity for students to experience the process of evaluating management practices on a dairy farm and to ... unable to visit dairy farms on Thursday as typical to better understand the management systems used on ...
