
Search results

  1. Fall Application of Dairy Manure

    conserve soil by reducing erosion. Livestock producers should consider Best Management Practices, such as ... Glen Arnold, Manure Management Field Specialist, OSU Extension Corn silage harvest is the start of ... farmers for manure application. To best capture the fall applied manure nutrients, manure should be ...

  2. Precision Livestock Farming for Dairy Producers

    Jason Hartschuh, Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Ohio State ... Kentucky, will be our featured speaker for this presentation. The next program of interest will be on ... February 28 th on using activity and temperature monitoring for dairy calf, heifer, and cow management. The ...

  3. People

    and Natural Resources Manure Nutrient Management Systems Lee Beers (330) 638-6783 Extension Educator, ... Agricultural Technical Institute: Royce Thornton (330) 287-1373 Animal Genetics  and Herd Management Shaun ... Wellert   (330) 287-1352 Animal Health and Management Haley Zynda (330) 462-6321 Herd Management County ...

  4. Who is the New Guy?

    faculty at The Ohio State University at the Wooster Campus. I have a research and Extension position, so ... first research experience as an undergraduate with Dr. Jill Anderson. I am still a passionate Jackrabbit ... quite a wide range of research during my PhD. We investigated Enogen silage, ruminal acidosis, and ...

  5. Next Year’s Winter Annual Cereal Grain Forage Success Starts Now

    management on cereal rye.  Our research showed higher yields of 0.27 ton/acre DM in 2022 and 1.5 ton/acre ... challenging is barley, with it having less winter survivability in our research projects. The benefit to ... Jason Hartschuh, Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Ohio State ...

  6. New Faculty Member in Animal Welfare

    California in 2012, where I started researching heat stress in dairy cattle, with a strong focus on ... rely on them for sustenance. I moved to Columbus in late December with my spouse, Joao, and our two ...

  7. Dairy Judging Team Update

    the longhorns being herded, as well as our evaluation of their appearance, care, and handling.  ... entertaining enough to keep everyone awake and involved in the atmosphere and pageantry. Our first morning ... degrees as the first class paraded into the ring.  At least, our reasons were given in a warmer location.  ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ... Nutrient Prices It can be helpful to compare the prices in Table 1 to the 5-year averages. Since the ... profitability at these nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing 1500 lb and ...

  9. Professional Horticulture

    research based technical information on plant production and management techniques; identifying and ... “Green Industry.” It includes businesses in general landscape management, nursery management and plant ... production, turf management (e.g. lawn care, sod farms, etc.), tree care, and floriculture (e.g. greenhouses, ...

  10. Ohio 4-H Youth Development Night at GABP with the Reds

    of the proceeds from each ticket sold  through this link  back to our organization!  On this City ...
