
Search results

  1. OARDC Impacts

    for research on disease management. This work impacts virus disease manage management in a global food ... done: The Ohio State University and United States Department of Agriculture researchers conducted ... viruses are spread. Results:  New, critical information for wheat management was discovered, including two ...

  2. History

    directing research on the station land. The budget was a meager $3000 per year. The work went slowly and was ... Cooperative Experimentation at the research station. The following year the university hired Mr. A.B. Graham ... The era of Director Thorne was one of farm land reclamation, fertilizers, horses and steam power. The ...

  3. How do I recognize a healthy stream?

    runs help flush out sediments and facilitate the breakdown of nutrients that get into the stream. ... Pools, on the other hand, help trap sediments and nutrients so they do not get transported downstream too ... by balancing the movement of sediments and nutrients as water flows downstream. Additionally, each ...

  4. CFAES Wooster Administration

    1617 Payne Drive Wooster, Ohio 44691 *Address not for postal use Map to Research Services Building ... The  CFAES Wooster Administration building,  formerly known as the Research Services building, was ... office, human resources, research operations and statewide research stations offices, and informational ...

  5. Supporting Ohio’s $786 million grape and wine industry …

    manager of OARDC’s  Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station in Kingsville in northeast Ohio. He holds ... Department of Entomology. She’s studying integrated pest management of grapes and muck soil vegetables. She ... venture for managing OARDC’s Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station,” said Ken Scaife, assistant to the ...

  6. EPN Breakfast Club

    project earn water quality credits by using best management practices to reduce nutrient runoff from their ... quality trading “is an innovative market-based approach to achieving water quality goals for nutrients ... economy by paying farmers for reducing nutrient loading,” the website says. Aimed at reducing nutrient ...

  7. Muck Crops Field Day

    on the station’s latest research findings on managing weeds, insects and diseases in muck-soil ... manager. The workshop will also offer growers information on several research trials being conducted at the ... Researchers with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State ...

  8. Facilities & Centers

    dedicated to enhancing the well-being of people throughout the world through research on food, agriculture, ... Research Stations 3. Ashtabula 4. Eastern 5. Jackson 6. Muck Crops 7. Pomerene Forest 8. Northwest 9. South ...

  9. East Branch Sugar Creek Watershed

    systems. We have Certified Crop Advisors in our group, and people highly experienced in dairy management ... . Staff members have lab and research experience with collection and processing of manure, soil and water ... Sugar Creek Tuscarawas Tracy Haney District Program Administrator Tuscarawas Soil and Water ...

  10. For Well Owners

    water tests and testing strategies, consult either ... Or contact them at: Ohio Department of Health Private Water Systems Program: (614) 644-7558  Fax: ... page If you ...
