
Search results

  1. Kitchel reappointed as CFAES senior associate dean

    University of Missouri. Kitchel’s research focuses on the conditions of agricultural teachers’ entry into the ... about the people of this college. I’ve now seen firsthand the passion our people invest in their work as ... we live up to our purpose: We sustain life, ” said Kitchel. “It is truly my privilege to continue ...

  2. ACEL Alum Recognized with Ohio Agricultural Educator of the Year

    is an alum of our department graduating in 1994.  Presented by Ohio FFA, Nationwide, Ohio Farm ...

  3. Scholarships and Financial Aid

    of grants and loans. Scholarship programs are also available. Our department participates in the ... complete the CFAES scholarship application. We are thankful for our donors who have made the scholarships ...

  4. ACEL recognizes 11 seniors with award

    At our annual banquet, we recognized the 11 seniors who were named ACEL Outstanding Seniors for ...

  5. Internships and Careers

    is a brief list of some of the organizations and companies where our students have interned over the ...

  6. AgTech Innovation Hub awards inaugural research projects

    Tracy Turner COLUMBUS, Ohio–Five innovative research projects have been awarded funding from the ... Nationwide. Nine researchers in The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... Sciences (CFAES) were chosen to pitch their innovative research project ideas to be completed through the ...

  7. Student Organizations

    advised by our faculty. Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) is a national organization designed ...

  8. Belury receives inaugural 2024 Nutrition Society of Taiwan Award

    noticeable contributions to advance nutrition research, clinical practice, or education in Taiwan, or ... individuals who have worked in partnership with Taiwanese scientists, researchers, and educators. "Life ... health and disease.” Belury’s research interests include investigating the mechanisms of bioactive lipids ...

  9. Cloudy waters causes African fish to develop bigger eyes


  10. Eleven graduate students defend projects, research

    OSU Farm Financial Management Course;  advised by Dr. Mary Rodriguez  Student's completing ... faculty and researchers.     ...
