
Search results

  1. Corn Ear Rots: Identification, Quantification and Testing for Mycotoxins

    ears under our growing conditions.  DIPLODIA EAR ROT- Diplodia causes a thick white mass of mold to ...

  2. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: Watershed Group Effectiveness

    data, prior research, and interviewing other local watershed groups, I attempted to formulate ...

  3. NOAA Hollings Scholarship

    is designed to increase undergraduate training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research ...

  4. Can We Stop Amphibian Apocalypse? April 9 Talk at Ohio State

    Atlanta’s research director, and  Joe Greathouse, director of conservation science at the Wilds in eastern ...

  5. Burndown Herbicides for No-tillage Wheat

    certainly includes our two major weeds, giant ragweed and marestail.  As we move through harvest and into ...

  6. Fall Herbicide Applications and New Technology

    including the importance of these for management of marestail.  Nothing has really changed that would merit ...

  7. OSU's Environmental Policy Initiative Webinar

      Their research found that renewable energy laws are remarkably effective at reducing carbon emissions, ...

  8. TWEL Debra Scott Thesis

    draintile disablement, and deer management) natural areas in metropolitan areas, which led to changes in ...

  9. TWEL Andrew Vitz Thesis

    with stand size nor distance from the edge. Nevertheless, managers aiming to improve value of ... post-breeding birds appear to be sensitive to edge and area, which may warrant special management consideration. ...

  10. Eric Gates Honors Defense

    hydrology can lead to multiple-use management strategies within agricultural headwater streams that consider ...
