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Carl Zulauf- Ohio State's 2012-2013 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series
How Well Do Farmers Tolerate Risk? Comparisons with Nonfarm Business Owners and the General Population
Grain Marketing in an Era of Low Prices
Matt Roberts, AEDE Associate Professor, presents a summary of his presentation at the 2013-2014 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series, "Grain Marketing in an Era of Lower Prices". ...
Corn Production Budget 2014
Examining Potential Crop Profitability in 2014: Land Values, Cash Rents & Crop Inputs
Farmland Value, Cash Rent and Crop Input Outlook 2014
Putting the Age of U.S. Farmers in Perspective
Introduction- Ohio State's 2012-2013 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series
Matthew C. Roberts- Ohio State's 2012-2013 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-2013