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  1. Waterman Dairy on TV

    before the video clips). Enjoy the videos of Dairy Manager Reagan Bluel, a few of the students who work ...

  2. Contract Termination- The Big Data Confusion: Part 12

    profitability through data management. Precision Agriculture ...

  3. Comparison of a Poultry Litter Fertilizer Program to a Commercial Fertilizer Program in Wheat

    OF-%20Poultry%20Litter%202005_AGCROPS.pdf 2005 Manure Manure 2005 Hoytville clay Haskins loam Nitrogen N phosphorus Potassium Small Grain Production ...

  4. What Will It Be Today? Conflict, Compete, or Collaborate

    conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict to make the positive changes within our ... goals of our organization. It's a choice we make, so what will it be today? Participants will: ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-36

    to slightly above normal rainfall. This will continue to present issues for clay soils. Jim will ... Carter, Univ. of Wisconsin Pest Management Newsletter, 1992). Bushels/A sacrificed to pay for drier grain ...

  6. Let It Grow, Let It Grow

    others below normal in the moisture department.   As our pattern shifts later this week from flow with ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-37

    issue of the CORN Newsletter, our publishing schedule will be shifting to the off-season winter schedule ... they should abandon their field because of potential mycotoxin problems. As we indicated in one of our ... educator or send samples here to our lab for identification (1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH, 44691). If you ...

  8. Animal Sciences Evening of Excellence

    undergraduate research, and ASAS recognition. Individual awards went to Clint Gasser (Dr. George R. Johnson ...

  9. The Risk for Scab Continues to be Low as We Enter Early Grain-fill

    late-planted fields in some parts of Northern Ohio that are now at the flowering growth stage, most of our ...

  10. Students Rose to the Challenge for the 2014 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest

    evaluating management practices on a dairy farm and to interact with representatives in the dairy industry. ... (Pickaway County). The dairy farm is a partnership, with the managing partners being Theo and Christiane ...
