
Search results

  1. Saving Soybean Seed for Next Year

    increases the rate of seed deterioration.  Iowa State University researchers found when soybean seed was ...

  2. Evaluating Forage Stands After the Winter Season

    forage stands in early spring, recent research in Ohio and Missouri has shown that more alfalfa plants ...

  3. Tax Advantaged Retirement Planning

    Mr. Donald J. Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension at Lima (top of page) In general, ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- June 3, 2013

    administering the ANR program and identify practices that our CD team might use to enhance the way we carry out ... our work. Of course, part of the challenge will involve me figuring out how to be in two places at ... land-grant commitment to our communities. One of the recipients is the Moms2B program, which Susan Colbert ...

  5. Cold Weather and Fall Herbicides- to spray or not to spray

    recent deep freeze and had higher expectations.  Our best advice at this point on fall spraying is that ...

  6. Scholarship Golf Outing Set for July 22

    important to our students," said outing organizer Frances Whited. "It can mean the difference ...

  7. Students Excel in 2011 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest

    evaluating management practices on a dairy farm and to interact with representatives in the dairy industry. ...

  8. Depooling: A call to action

    depooling in our Mideast Federal Order, and the cost of not taking action. First a short refresher. Milk not ... depooled, imposing yet another price penalty on our producers. The Federal Order language spells out clearly ...

  9. Students Excelled at the 2015 Ohio Dairy Challenge

    at Ohio State University to experience the process of evaluating management practices on a dairy farm ...

  10. Northern Corn Leaf Blight: Earlier than Usual this Year

    NCLB this early and how will this affect our yields? For this disease to develop this early, three ...
