
Search results

  1. Wilson named Ohio State Presidential Fellow

    potential of graduate students entering the final phase of their dissertation research or terminal degree ...

  2. Weller completes internship with Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences

    with livestock and career preparation in agricultural education benefited our team as we designed new ... skillathon stations to evaluate youth’s animal knowledge,” said Dustin Homan, program manager for Ohio 4-H. ...

  3. Calendar of Events

    varieties of uncommon plants and proven performers for Ohio climate and soils.  There is also an opportunity ...

  4. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    ten, our parents allowed us to raise and show livestock. I showed market hogs and dairy market feeders ...

  5. Dean's Charity Steer Show Partners 4-H Youth with Local Celebrities for a Great Cause

    showed great enthusiasm in the showmanship lessons we held and was a fast learner. By the end of our last ... confident body language. In the end, our hard work paid off when Mr. Kellogg showed Cosmo all the way to the ...

  6. Kitchel named AAAE Fellow

    Dr. Tracy Kitchel, professor and chair of our department, was recognized today at the American ...

  7. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    Foundation Manager and Emily Niemann, Program Assistant.   Growing Up with 4-H: Crystal Ott    To Make the ... University in Extension Education, with a specialization in leadership. As the Ohio 4-H Foundation manager ...

  8. ACEL Alumni named recipients of OAAE awards

    Congratulations to our alumni who are recipients of awards presented by the Ohio Association of ...

  9. OMK Camp

    counselors and 40 civillian and military adult staff members operate from the generous contributions of our ...

  10. Cloverbot Challenge

    was held June 29 with the theme, “When I Grow Up.”     Teams researched a topic, built a working model ...
