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  1. Milk Production Growth Slows- What's Up for Milk Prices?

    New Mexico managed a 3.5% increase. Here in the lake states, Wisconsin milk production was up 2.9% and ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-41

    Guidelines have been written based on research done with wheat and barley and are available at the United ... risk management tool at their disposal if they act quickly. December 25, 2009 is the deadline to ... quality under good management. This is not a forgone conclusion this year, because in many cases producers ...

  3. Yes, we can: 'Interest is exploding' in gardening, food preservation

    specialist in food safety, selection, and management. "Many new gardeners are into sustainable ...

  4. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training Field Day-Crawford County


  5. Contentious Des Moines Water Works Litigation Comes to an End

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  6. Deconstruction of a Speculative Attack on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Class III Futures Contract

    earned $3,515,800. Now you can see why the speculative or hedge fund managers are paying attention to the ...

  7. Milk and Dairy Product Production Climbs- What's Down the Road for Milk Prices?

    What is also apparent and very important for our outlook on the butter price is the relative position ...

  8. National Animal Identification System for Cattle

    Function As a first and necessary step, all premises on which animals are housed, managed, or held will ...

  9. Research to Practice Webinar Series "Keys to Effective Pollinator Partnerships with Schools Webinar"

    We will explore a case study on the design of a pollinator habitat garden with grade school age students.  Discover what makes native pollinator conservation such an effective way to engage students and teachers in hands-on science exploration.  This webi ...

  10. Students Travel to AFA Leaders Conference in Kansas City

    John Schoenhals, 3 rd year Plant Health Management, Seth Erwin (AFA College Ambassador), 3 rd year ...
