
Search results

  1. Heptachlor

    Heptachlor may be released directly to the soil in connection with its use. It has also been found in treated ...

  2. Country of origin advertising and US demand of imported wine: an empirical analysis

    aggregate demand function for US wine imports. Our empirical analysis reveals evidence of important effects ...

  3. The Value and Common Sense of Job Descriptions

    write and use job descriptions praise their benefits. Most labor management specialists highly recommend ...

  4. Overcoming Barriers to Communication

    relationships among family members on the management team. Although effective communication does not guarantee ...

  5. Building A Dairy Farm Team

    does not demand a team approach. A farm manager who prefers a team approach faces a tough test of ...

  6. Chromium

    naturally in rocks, plants, soil and volcanic dust, humans and animals. The most common forms of chromium ...

  7. Environmental Policy Initiative Launches Summer Grant Competition

    Sohngen, launched its Summer 2014 grant competition today.   The program offers research grants for Ohio ...

  8. Estate Planning Considerations for Ohio Families

    acquaint our Ohio readers with the issues associated with estate creation and transfer. It can provide the ...

  9. The Effects of Renewable Portfolio Standards on Carbon Intensity in the U.S.

    carbon intensities in other economies. Our study finds that renewable portfolio standards (RPS) have ...

  10. Advances in Ration Formulation for Beef Cattle through Multiple Objective Decision Support Systems

    Environmental Management. Edited by Samir A. El-Swaify and Diana S. Yakowitz. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers, ...
