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  1. Training Offers Livestock Producers Tips to Detect Barber Pole Worm in Sheep and Goats

    information on parasite management control strategies including the FAMACHA diagnostic system. Participants ...

  2. Upcoming Workshops

    grapes.  In addition, there will be a discussion on some basic pest management care of fruit trees and ...

  3. Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Crop Program Decisions ...

  4. Ohio State University to Offer Lamb Marketing Course Dec. 17-18

    management, environmental, nutritional, and genetic factors that contribute to muscle quality deficiencies, he ...

  5. Ohio Local Foods Week

    Fridays and a Thursday auction starts at 1:30 pm.           Of course, our area also has an abundance of ... on-farm markets, too many to list in this column.  Just go driving down some of our county roads and you ... 140 S. Walnut Street in Wooster.          If locally sourced meats hold an interest for you, our area ...

  6. College Budget

    to be successful in managing their finances.  Like many of you know, making a budget isn’t always ...

  7. Dami's Research Recognized Nationally

    Dami and his group were recognized for their research and published article on ice wines and ...

  8. Fresh Produce Safety Training Set for Portage, Stark, Cuyahoga Counties

    managers of farmers markets may have some expectations for farmers to have been trained in GAPs or to have ...

  9. Can We Stop Amphibian Apocalypse? April 9 Talk at Ohio State

    Network breakfast program at The Ohio State University. Joe Mendelson, Zoo Atlanta’s research director, ...

  10. "Entre Nos"

    State knowing that others can relate to you. Our goal is to create a healing and supportive community.  ...
