
Search results

  1. Will Planting Delays Require Switching Corn Hybrid Maturities?

    of last year and the same as the five-year average.  However, persistent rains and saturated soil ...

  2. Seeking a Twospotted Spider Mite Trial Location or 330-202-3529 Soybean Insects Research Cooperator Opportunity ...

  3. Upcoming Workshops

    grapes.  In addition, there will be a discussion on some basic pest management care of fruit trees and ...

  4. Soybean Cyst Nematode CAN be Done in the Spring

    doesn’t it?  In the case of SCN, less than 500 eggs per cup of soil and keeping it under 1,000 is what we ...

  5. College Budget

    to be successful in managing their finances.  Like many of you know, making a budget isn’t always ...

  6. Ear Rots of Corn: Telling them Apart

    toxins are usually not found in Trichoderma-affected ears under our growing conditions. Corn Disease ...

  7. Cold Spring Rains Brought Perfect Conditions for Pythium in Ohio and a Few More Surprises.

    well-known seedling pathogens.  Our next step was to examine what the  Pythium  spp. were and then to ... recovered both  Pythium  spp. and  Fusarium  spp..  Both are well-known seedling pathogens.  Our next step ... isolate from a field – they were different species.  Again, this confirms our earlier reports that this is ...

  8. Ohio Local Foods Week

    Fridays and a Thursday auction starts at 1:30 pm.           Of course, our area also has an abundance of ... on-farm markets, too many to list in this column.  Just go driving down some of our county roads and you ... 140 S. Walnut Street in Wooster.          If locally sourced meats hold an interest for you, our area ...

  9. Ohio Ag Law Blog-- The Ag Law Harvest

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. Worker Protection Standard Compliance Manual

    employed and the nature of the work.  University research farms and greenhouses also fall under WPS, as ...
