
Search results

  1. Promotional Pieces

    same information for the September 26 visit day, but there are three different themes for our three ...

  2. Ohio Watershed Network Webinar Series

    is The Nature Conservancy in Ohio’s Freshwater Conservation Manager, covering water policy and ...

  3. American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Ohio Chapter Annual Meeting

    The American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Ohio Chapter, will hold their annual ... Worthington, OH). Barry Ward, Assistant Extension Professor and Leader of Production Business Management ...

  4. Weather Outlook

    The overall warmer and drier than normal trend will continue this week. After our first widespread ...

  5. Economics of Technology Acceptance and Agricultural Producer Self-Regulation Assessment

    recent research: "Economics of Technology Acceptance and Agricultural Producer Self-Regulation ... need for additional economic research on the topic.     This event is open to the public and RSVPs are ...

  6. AEDE Undergraduate Scholarship Competition

    information on our website on this year's winners and funders. Please check back for more details. ...

  7. Matt Gnagey awarded 2011 AEDE Best Doctoral Research Manuscript

    Congratulations to Matt Gnagey, recipient of the 2011 AEDE Best Doctoral Research Manuscript, for ...

  8. Lesson Plans

    workshop the research team presented the student knowledge gaps pertaining to stream and watershed.  These ... How do energy and/or nutrients flow in the watershed? Class:  AP Environmental Science Grade:  11-12 ...

  9. Picloram

    major source of picloram in drinking water is herbicide runoff. Picloram does not adhere to soil and has ...

  10. Whittington receives national teaching award

    Communication, Education, and Leadership at The Ohio State University. She directs a Hatch research project, ...
