
Search results

  1. Local Food Farm Tour: Saum Family farm

    one of our producers of locally grown foods. Reservations are not required, but are appreciated by ...

  2. Ohio State Alumni Association Supports Sokoine University of Agriculture’s Drive to Build Stronger Alumni Relations

    through the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative, or iAGRI. The iAGRI project is a major food ... security project funded by USAID and seeks to improve SUA’s teaching and research capacity, as well as ... other U.S. land grant universities, in addition to facilitating collaborative agricultural research ...

  3. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    Extension System, will be celebrated in 2014. Activities this year will highlight our past and focus on the ... current application of Cooperative Extension’s mission and vision as we move into our next century. ...

  4. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    Extension System, will be celebrated in 2014. Activities this year will highlight our past and focus on the ... current application of Cooperative Extension’s mission and vision as we move into our next century. ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Conference

    our abilities to deliver the Ohio 4-H Program to its members. We truly believe that these educational ...

  6. Fairfield County 4-H Day!

    questions.  Cloverbuds will have their own corner with activities too!  Some of our clubs will have ...

  7. Livestock Judging Team Meeting- CANCELLED TONIGHT!!

    in the beginning because we hadn't followed the traditional route of our contemporaries. ... College. Through our involvement in the industry, we caught up fairly quickly, but there is always ...

  8. Managing Risk in the Grains & Navigating the Farm Program Choices

    The morning program will focus on market outlook and managing risk in the grain markets. Speakers ...

  9. Botulism: What is it?

    about preserving food by pressure canning, see this presentation recorded during one of our food ...

  10. Local Food Farm Tour: Rockside Vineyard

    our producers of locally grown foods. Reservations are not required, but are appreciated by contacting ...
