
Search results

  1. Troubleshooting Corn Ear Abnormalities

    and manage various ear and kernel anomalies and disorders. Also available is a poster (Fig. 2) ...

  2. Don’t wait to monitor stands

    our “shortened” spring it is going to be very important to assess fields and your seed treatments as ...

  3. Students Honored for Scholarships

    juniors studying animal science with intended careers in research, education, farming, ranching or other ... sales/management. 2013-2014 recipients: Alex Hohlbein, Bowling Green, OH; Chelsea O’Diam,  Farmersville, OH Rodney ... 2013-2014 recipients: Amanda Prickett, Chillicothe, OH William Tyznik Equine Research Fund- Scholarship is ...

  4. Prepare Your Sprayer for Storage Now to Avoid Costly Problems in the Spring

    from snow, rain, or soil, rusts metal parts of unpro­tected equipment of any kind. This is especially ...

  5. Disclosure, Use and Sale Limitations-- The Big Data Confusion: Part 9

    decision about how their data will be used, on their own terms. Farm Management ...

  6. Limes Leads OSU Livestock Judging Team with First Top Ten at Stockman

    Stockman. Culp stated, “It is exciting to see our students being rewarded for their efforts.  I feel like we ...

  7. Don’t Press the Panic Button on Soybean Aphid Yet

    the growing season.  Hopefully, most of our soybean are starting to mature and reaching the R6 stage, ...

  8. OSU Staff Awards 2013!

    Openness and Trust, Diversity in People and Ideas, Change and Innovation, Simplicity in Our Work, Empathy ...

  9. Career Advancement Opportunities

    Sales Manager (Dairy Feed Ingredients) This sales position will be a work-from-home role and will be ...

  10. Late season diseases are making their appearance

    chocolate brown canker will be moving up the stem. Variety selection is key to managing all of these late ...
