
Search results

  1. Lots of Fungicides to Choose From, but Choose Wisely

    Caramba (metconazole) are your best fungicides for managing scab and vomitoxin, make sure you have the ...

  2. Managing Corn Rust with Fungicides

    Both southern and common rust have been confirmed in multiple corn fields across the state, but as is usually the case in Ohio, the latter is much more wide-spread than the former, and most of the affected fields are in the southern half of the state. Sou ...

  3. Heat and Colostrum, Friend and Foe

    that colostrum is harvested and handled as cleanly as possible. *A list of research references is ...

  4. Feed Sorting and Acidosis

    a semi-regular schedule, recent research that is interesting (at least to us) and may have direct application to ...

  5. Evaluate the Total Amount of Corn-Derived Protein in Diets When Considering Using Distillers Grains

    protein.  Researchers at Michigan State University (Hollmann et al., 2007, J. Dairy Sci. 90: 2022-2030) ...

  6. Early postemergence plus residual in soybeans and other weed issues

    – check our ratings during the selection process to make sure the product addresses the weeds of concern. ...

  7. Update on Footbaths for Dairy Cattle

    2 days/week or much less. This might be typical of well managed tie stall housed cows. Many dairy farms with ...

  8. MarketView...US. Dairy Outlook Brief 2010

    producers. Each of these provide a management tool to which can assist in avoiding a repeat of 2009. ...

  9. Assessing yield losses in corn due to frost

    summarize the findings of Minnesota researchers who defoliated plants to simulate frost damage at different ...

  10. New development staff for Wooster campus

    Columbus, she is responsible for major gifts fundraising and for managing a team in Wooster that supports ...
