
Search results

  1. Harvest Weather Outlook

    our region. Frost/Freeze Outlook There is really no risk of frost and freeze conditions for the rest ... frost/freeze in Ohio and that looks still to be the case. Sometime in October we will likely see our first ...

  2. Western Bean Cutworm Flight Has Begun

    Our trapping network has started to catch western bean cutworm (WBC) adults, meaning that flight ... August, so we expect our counts to increase. Females lay eggs on corn, and, after hatch, the larvae feed ... as shown in the figure. From our previous seasons, we have not seen tremendous damage from WBC.  Most ...

  3. Corn Earworm Making an Unpleasant Late-Season Appearance; Watch for Molds

    debate how well corn earworm can overwinter in most parts of Ohio, and the majority of our population ...

  4. Useful Weather Links and Outlook

    There has been many requests for information on where to find such things as 4 inch soil ...

  5. Yield Monitor Tips for 2015 Harvest

    will bring about the importance of combine adjustments but also yield monitoring management, in ... decisions at a field level, proper management of the yield monitor in 2015 will be key in order to generate ... managing calibration numbers: 1)      Corn and soybeans require separate mass flow calibration. 2)      ...

  6. Ohio Ag Law Blog--Risk Management Agency moves date for harvesting cover crops on Prevented Planting acres

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Annie's Project Women in Ag Crawford County

    through networks and by managing and organizing critical information and risks. The program will be held ...

  8. Smart Goals

    things that came to pass and the areas where we might improve, that’s where our New Year’s resolutions ...

  9. Culling Decisions

    sound culling decisions as part of financial management.  Here are excerpts from that article: Every ... of replacements.  Match your genetics to your management and environment for maximum efficiency, ...

  10. New Website Layout

    You probably noticed the new format of the C.O.R.N. newsletter in our last issue. The College has ... our events page as there are a lot of programs scheduled this winter around the state. For feedback ...
