
Search results

  1. Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops

    Example Soil Test Results Table 2. Nutrient and Fertilizer Recommendation Worksheet with Desirable pH and ... to understand their amount and potential impact on nutrient management. For example, the fertilizer ... a soil test result and tables found in the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybeans, ...

  2. Sara L. Mastellar, Ph.D.

    4-H. She earned a BPS in management specializing in Equine Business Management from Cazenovia College, ... research program focuses on supporting undergraduate research and the scholarship of teaching and learning. ... Undergraduate researchers have been mentored through presentations at Equine Science Society (ESS) meetings and ...

  3. There's still time to volunteer for Move-In

    We are excited to invite you to join us in assisting and engaging with our residents during the ... appreciated as we help our new residents settle in. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete ...

  4. Be part of the 175th Wayne County Fair parade

    participating in the parade. We are requesting volunteers to walk behind two of our tractors along the parade ... route holding banners and flags that represent OSU and our campus.    If you are interested in being ...

  5. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit

    it will be pared. Do not soak; soaking might cause the fruit to lose flavor and nutrients. Handle ...

  6. Understanding Alzheimer's & Dementia

    Alzheimer’s and dementia, stages of the disease, risk factors, research, and treatments relating to these ...

  7. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University Extension, Wooster The flu is a contagious ...

  8. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peaches

    Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central, 2020. Revised ...

  9. OTDI Updates

    with limited tech access and identified financial need.  Find all the info here. · Visit our new ...

  10. Ohio Phosphorus (P) Use by Crop Reporting District Ag Crops and Livestock phosphorus soil fertility nutrient management water quality Agriculture and ... Nutrient Use in Ohio section “Determining P 2 O 5 Available from Fertilizer and Manure” were used to ... Nutrient Availability: Fertilizer Annual fertilizer P 2 O 5 use has declined statewide by 69,000 tons or ...
