
Search results

  1. Wickham receives award from national agricultural association

    Emily Wickham, communication and undergraduate program manager in the Department of Agricultural ... alumni board.  “As our coordinator of undergraduate recruitment, Emily does so much more than hosting ... feel valued and appreciated for their interest in our programs, following up with letters of ...

  2. Gather Your Gratitude

    not only teaching me to be respectful to our religion, but also promoting an act that could ... potentially be helpful to my health and well-being. Research suggests that showing gratitude can improve one’s ... than the other groups. In addition, the researchers looked at their brain activity using MRI and found ...

  3. Derek Peterson

    Derek Peterson Graduate Program Manager 614-688-5597 200C Agricultural ...

  4. Bring One.. Take One Flower and Seed Exchange

    gardening tools, aprons, ceramic pots, unopened soil & fertilizer and garden decorations bring them ...

  5. Field to Fork: Whitetail Workshop

    Swope, Washington Soil & Water; and Kaitlynn Hodges, OHio Farm Bureau Partnering with: Ohio ...

  6. Field to Fork: Whitetail Workshop

    Washington County; Hannah Swope, Washington Soil & Water; and Kaitlynn Hodges, OHio Farm Bureau ...

  7. Margo Overholt-Seckel

    activities. She has a strong belief in Extension and its purpose to integrate research into our daily lives ... success academic advising online teaching meat science Margo Long is a program manager with Ohio 4-H with ...

  8. Extension/Outreach

    research-based information to the people of Ohio and beyond.  Our Community and Extension Education ... Our department reaches life-long learners, inside and outside the traditional classroom. We ... University Extension (or another cooperative extension service), our graduates deliver critical ...

  9. Diane Mashburn

    Education Extension staff development Employee retention Employee motivation Leadership and management Staff ... county, Diane moved to the Arkansas State Extension Office as a faculty instructor. Diane was the manager ...

  10. 4-H Online Enrollment

    AND HELP Ohio 4-H uses the 4-H online system to manage all aspects of the 4-H program, including ...
