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  1. Personalized Virtual and In-Person Visits

    in-person on campus. Meetings can cover topics such as majors in SENR, financial aid, honors and research ...

  2. Programs

    to protect and manage them. Our students and faculty are engaged in research, education, and learning ... a common interest in improving our understanding of the environment, our natural resources, and our ability ... needed to follow pursuits in the public or private sectors in research, policy development, environmental ...

  3. OWS Program- From the Basin to the Banks: Wetland Restoration

    Wetland as a case study to explore wildlife habitat and non-native invasive species management. This class ...

  4. Allison Rober I am an aquatic microbial ecologist and my research spans genes to ecosystems. In my lab, we ... significant consequences for water quality and ecosystem function. Most of my research is conducted in ...

  5. A Day in the Woods program on "Night Flyers"

    State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Vinton Soil ...

  6. More 2024 News

    University to lead $10M effort to bridge gap between research and farmers- WYSO (Douglas Jackson-Smith) ... Eleven research projects funded through the President’s Research Excellence Program Accelerator Grants- ... Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge (Roger Williams) June Rural childcare an important topic at ...

  7. Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity awarded to renowned soil scientist Rattan Lal

    sustainable soil management and acclaim to our university,” said Cathann A. Kress, Ohio State vice president ... renowned soil scientist at The Ohio State University, Rattan Lal, has been awarded the 2024 Gulbenkian ... Carbon Management and Sequestration, was also recently named the  No. 1 scientist  in the world and the ...

  8. Rural Health and Vaccines

    Accessing Health Care in Rural America [PDF] Ohio Rural Health Association Diabetes Management and Rural ...

  9. New research reveals economic and social impacts of caregivers in North central and Northeast US

    Groundbreaking research conducted by a multi-state team, including Shoshanah Inwood, associate ... the U.S. The preliminary findings, released as two regionally focused “Research Snapshots,” offer ... support that caregivers seek. “Our caregiving survey was designed to understand caregiving across the life ...

  10. Ohio Berry Field Night

    a Specialty Crop Block Grant for our raspberry research and Extension grant; and Ohio Grape Industries ... a blackberry grant; USDA-NIFA through a tomato research grant; Ohio Department of Agriculture and USDA through ...
