
Search results

  1. B-W Greenway Community Land Trust

    open space for farming, recreation, habitat, and watershed management. The "B" in the B-W ... include the full names of the wetlands in "our name" to avoid confusion with the BeaverCreek ... want to do anything to detract from their progress. Several of our members belong to BCWA and have ...

  2. Sodium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Sodium is widely distributed in soils, plants, water and foods. It is ... of rocks and soils. The concentrations of sodium in groundwater are dependent on the local geological ...

  3. Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Grants/Cooperative Agreements

    Assistance and Oversight Management Branch, Great Lakes National Program Office, U.S. Environmental ...

  4. Stream Morphology

    Engineer with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Soil and Water Resources explains the ...

  5. Conservation Easements

    in the future.  For example, it may require that landowners eliminate all management on a given piece ... used it in the past, although there may be some limitations on how they can manage the land.  For ... from converting the use or management of the land to something else. The typical conservation easement ...

  6. About the Ohio Watershed Network

    network is to connect and educate professionals and volunteers working to apply watershed management ... and management requires inolving all interested parties (often called "stakeholders") in ... a variety of topics related to collaborative watershed management. Information about watershed groups around ...

  7. OSU Extension Factsheets

    filter strips for Ohio conditions. Filter-strip function and some research findings from across the ... knowledge of best management practices, and for educational, technical and regulatory agency personnel who ... sheet: grass and legumes, hay, low managed timber, and high managed timber. The financial aspects of ...

  8. Courses

    staff, and university students and faculty. Increase your knowledge and skills in watershed management ... Watershed Academy “My time management and organizational skills in watershed planning have been greatly ... course to help make our watershed meetings more productive.” “Through the correspondence with the ...

  9. Leading Creek Watershed Group

    Leading Creek Meigs Jim Freeman Watershed Coordinator Meigs Soil and Water Conservation District ... Meigs Soil and Water Conservation District 113 E. Memorial Dr. Pomeroy, OH 45701 (740) 992-4282 (740) ...

  10. Walnut Action Group

    protect and restore the Walnut Creek Watershed through a community developed management plan for the ... benefit of agriculture, industry, business, governments, organizations and individuals. Our meeting times ...
