
Search results

  1. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training Program

    Who needs to be certified under the new Agricultural Nutrient Law?  Fertilizer certification is ... meeting. Certified Crop Advisors and Certified Livestock Managers need a fertilizer certificate if applying ... required by September 30, 2017 if you apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production ...

  2. Take Flight with the Monarch! Earth Day Event

    Join Dr. Doug Tallamy, Rebecca Spach (Director of Vegetation Management, FirstEnergy), Dr. Gabe ... bestselling book Nature’s Best Hope to participants who join us live during our signature event! We'd ... like to encourage you to use our hashtag (#EPNTakeFlight) before, during and after our April 21 Earth ...

  3. Bill Mitsch Presentation at Audubon Center

    Dr. Rebecca Swab, Conservation Manager, Grange Insurance Audubon center 7:05 Nat Miller, Director of ... Conservation 7:20 Dr. William J. Mitsch, Eminent Scholar and Director, Everglades Wetland Research Park, and ... there. Rebecca Swab, PhD, Conservation Manager, She/her/hers Grange Insurance Audubon Center, 505 W. ...

  4. Living Landscape Speaker Series

    increasingly sensitive to our impact on the earth and its inhabitants as we confront issues such as air and ... water pollution, soil degradation, and climate change. There is power in creating gardens that are based ...

  5. April 20 Caterpillars Count 'How To' webinar

    what hosting a survey site for Caterpillars Count! entails, watch the short video on our project ...

  6. Virtual 4-H Programming Through January 31, 2022

    we are doing our best to continue the traditions of 4-H programming in the best, uninterrupted, ... rather a reflection of county case numbers. Since our programming numbers usually include more than 50 ... to a virtual format, this month. Our office remains open with normal business hours. You will be ...

  7. A Day in the Woods Webinar-Mapping Your Woods

    Our October 9, A DAY in the WOODS program Mapping Your Woodland will once again be offered ... University Extension) 10:05 AM –   Using Ohio county auditor web resources – Eric Hayes, Athens Soil and ... Resources-Division of Forestry, and Eric Hayes, Athens Soil and Water Conservation District 11:30 Question and answer ...

  8. Prairie Enthusiasts 2022 Virtual Conference

    Lakes region by Lee Frelich An Overview of Adaptive Management Investigations in Northwestern ... by Austin Yantes Examining Land Use Changes to Evaluate the Effects of Land Management in a Complex, ...

  9. A Day in the Woods Series 'Woodland Boundaries' Virtual Zoom Webinar

    Registration is now open for our final 'A DAY in the WOODS' program “Woodland ... Mark Rickey with the State Service Forester with ODNR-Division of Forestry.  We’ll also launch our new ...

  10. Home Horticulture Series- Manage Your Lawn & Your Stormwater Footprint

    you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Manage your Lawn & your Storm Water Footprint, Butler ...
