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  1. Responsible Antibiotic Use for Dairy Herd Health

    The workshop will provide hands-on training to dairy producers, managers and dairy farm employees to ...

  2. Study Abroad Memories

    Sportsturf Managers Association- I was the first woman to be awarded this grant.  This honor led to ...

  3. Dress A Girl Around the World- Fashion and Nutrition Board Community Service Day

    service.  Our goal is to make 175 dresses for the "Dress A Girl Around the World" program.  All ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-39

    helping growers select a system. As much as anything, our intent here is to show that seed and herbicide ... be considered along with the numbers. Weed management is more difficult in nonGMO than in LL or RR ... convenience and less risk of weed control failure in LL and RR soybeans, but our comparison shows the price of ...

  5. Congratulations to Our Newest Alumni!

    We welcomed 735 new alumni into the CFAES family this May.  Degrees ranged from Associate to PhD, with individuals receiving their first CFAES degree to their third!   ...

  6. Off to Change the World

    engaged, get involved and go change the world one community at a time.” Our hearty congratulations to the ...

  7. Events Calendar

    design, management, contamination legacy, and landscape context of urban greenspaces influence their ...

  8. Stone Lab scholarship recipient enjoys evolutionary experience

    selected for Stone Laboratory’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Scholarship Program, which ... set that it has provided usable estimates,” Adam says of the long-term research project. “We hope to ... since it’s long-term.” Being able to discuss his findings with an avian professor and gain research ...

  9. Winter Weather Affects Nutritional Requirements

    weather conditions impact the nutritional needs of the beef cow. He points out that researchers have used ... stated that research has indicated that energy requirement for maintenance of beef cows with a wet hair ...

  10. Adjusting no-till burndown programs for a prolonged wet spring

     Having said all of this, we find marestail to be mostly absent this year in many of our research fields, ...
