
Search results

  1. Meet the New Parker Dairy Chair

    aid digestion. Provide support here to the FST Dairy Research Fund, which helps fund equipment, ... supplies, travel expenses and may include payroll for undergraduate and graduate researchers. In addition, ... his current research initiatives is an examination of the “fresh milk” concept in Australia, where ...

  2. Yvan Delgado de la Flor featured in Qué Pasa, OSU?

    Graduate research fellow Yvan Delgado de la Flor’s research was featured in the Spring 2015 issue ...

  3. Solar Energy Workshop

    7 presentations on various aspects of solar energy presented by OARDC researchers, OSU Extension specialists, USDA ...

  4. Managing Soybean Rust, Bulletin SR2008

    Managing Soybean Rust, Bulletin SR2008.  Publication covers specifics of soybean rust ... identification and  management. General section of the publication cover the use of fungicide sin general for ...

  5. Local Foods Tour Series- Sourcing and Retailing Local Foods

    been serving Lancaster and the surrounding communities since 1932 from our only location at the corner ... your food! Join us for an afternoon exploring outlets for our locally grown commodities. Reservations ...

  6. Lunch and Learn: Go Wild, Go Native

    begin at 12 noon with a light lunch.  Cost for the lunch is $5.00. Our first topic will be: Go Wild, Go ... Native. Our Native plant expert Master Gardener Barbara Velez Barbosa will lead the program as we discuss ... The program will begin at 12:30 p.m. and last for one hour. Please call our office at 740-652-7260 ...

  7. Time to Scout for Stink Bugs in Soybeans

    bugs in soybeans and provides the following information and recommendations: As our beans start to put ...

  8. Family Farm Business Meetings Important

    fertilizer purchase, building plans, equipment repair/purchase, livestock marketing etc. or is it a meeting ...

  9. Assessing the risk of frost injury to late maturing corn

    average because of late planting (the result of persistent rains and excessively wet soils that delayed ... the corn crop. Dr. Bob Nielsen at Purdue University has summarized research findings from Indiana and ... black layer, R6). This research was conducted at two locations in Indiana (west central and southeast) ...

  10. Agunga Recognized for leadership and support of CFAES students

    pictured, who recently received Ohio State’s 2016 Distinguished Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, one of ... He also is the director of Ohio State’s Center for African Studies. The Undergraduate Research Office ...
