
Search results

  1. Survey of Soybean Pollinators in Ohio

    work was supported by the Ohio Soybean Council, the North Central Soybean Research Program, and the ...

  2. Survey of Soybean Pollinators in Ohio

    Soybean Research Program, and the Ohio Extension IPM Program.  To see a full report of the survey, click ...

  3. Wheat Variety Selection: An Important First Step for Reducing Scab and Vomitoxin

    this disease in our minds as we select varieties to plant this fall. In the past, there were very few ... did not grew well under our conditions. Today we have far more varieties with very good scab ...

  4. Lunch & Learn: Staying "Garden Fit" in the New Year

    a mental break throughout our day to refocus and reorganize our thoughts with a few “Mindful” exercises. ...

  5. Haylage in a Day?

    Given our recent weather pattern, the topic of haymaking is almost certain to come up in any ... conversation with farmers.  Last week while bemoaning the havoc our rainy weather is inflicting upon harvest ...

  6. Drift Happens! Train the Trainer Workshop- April 20th

    OSU Extension, OARDC and Ohio Department of Agriculture will be offering a spray drift management ...

  7. Fairfield County Beef School including BQA

    Sciences covering proper health preconditioning programs for feeder calves.- Dr. Francis Fluharty, Research ...

  8. Grape Berry Moth

    berry moth damaged berries Management Corrective measures are usually suggested if more than 5% of the ... leaves. Leaves can be gathered and destroyed in the fall, or leaves can be buried within the soil in the ...

  9. Student Newsletter Debut

    The Entomology Department has a newsletter to stay in touch with  our students. Read our current ...

  10. Farm Tax Law Changes

    Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and ...
