
Search results

  1. Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa

    numbers. Our data to date indicate the threshold for PLH resistant varieties in established stands is ...

  2. The difficulty in legally applying dicamba – weather factors

    weather information.  But this does not negate the overall message – managing dicamba applications will be ...

  3. OSU Conflict of Interest

    From Exectutive Vice President and Provost Bruce McPheron, Senior Vice President for Research ...

  4. Double Crop versus Modified Rely Intercrop Soybean Yields in 2014

    inches at SC and 12.2 from 5/11 to 8/31 at Bucyrus. Stands were excellent at both locations; however soil ...

  5. Postemergence Control of Giant Ragweed in Soybeans

    inhibitor) such as Flexstar or another fomesafen-containing herbicide, or Cobra.  OSU research generally ... Torment, and a few other generic equivalents of Flexstar and Reflex.  From our perspective, the approach ...

  6. Did that Cold Spell Cause Significant Mortality to Field Crop Insect Pests?

    beetle, which killed off our state-wide problem that was beginning to occur in soybeans. However, we will ... happened with the weather in states much further to our south has more impact on them.   Finally, there are ...

  7. Bacterial Leaf Streak: Another New Corn Disease out West, but not yet in Ohio

    another, its impact on grain yield, and the efficacy of tillage and crop rotation as possible management ...

  8. Gurd Assumes Leadership Role for CFAES Advancement

    opportunities to meet more of our college alumni and friends.” Alumni may be familiar with Gurd, who most ...

  9. Precautions for Harvesting Forages After a Frost

    cyanide from plant tissue. Plants growing under high nitrogen levels or in soils deficient in phosphorus ... stands having mostly grass. The safest management is to wait a few days after a killing frost before ...

  10. OSU Offers 2015 Farmland Leasing Workshops

    Agricultural and Resource Law program and Production Business Management program will discuss the topic during ... Barry Ward, production business management leader with the college’s Department of Agricultural, ...
