
Search results

  1. Cyanide

    maximum contaminant level. Discharge from steel/metal factories; Discharge from plastic and fertilizer ...

  2. Mahoning River Consortium (MRC)

    Mahoning River Consortium (MRC) advocates research, multiple-use planning, educational, recreational, ... enhance the environmental quality of the Mahoning River and its watershed by promoting the wise management ...

  3. Recycle those Pastic Pots and more at the Community Recycling Event

    can’t participate in our recycling event. Please spread the word of this event among your neighbors and ... renew your support of our programs and gardens as your vehicle is being unloaded by our volunteers, ... students, and staff. Thanks for continuing to support our programs and operations! Mary C. Maloney, Director ...

  4. Special Holiday 2-for-1 Offer

    At Chadwick Arboretum, our mission is to provide an educational environment to advance the ... exceptional work! Here are some of our 2014 accomplishments.  The installation of a vertical Green Wall on the ... members, and the community such as our Fall Student Events, Arboblitz, Arbor Day, and Earth Day.  ...

  5. Chadwick Arboretum featured on NBC 4

    covers 12,000 square feet. To view the article click this link. Learn more about our green roof by ...

  6. Manganese

    in soils that may erode into these waters. However, human activities are also responsible for much of ...

  7. Chadwick featured in a Columbus Dispatch article

    article detailed our extensive "Why Trees Matter" program which gives the incredible trees on ... campus a 'dollar value' based on several aspects. OSU James Chatfield, and our own Christina ...

  8. Arbor Day Celebration 2015

    on Friday, April 24th at 10:00 AM at our Arboretum North location west of Fred Taylor Drive across ... from the Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium. We’ll dedicate recently planted trees, announce our Lorax Award ...

  9. Joseph Tychonievich presents "It's Easy Being Green 2016"

    & Learning Gardens, our students, gardens, and programs. Be sure to save the date. This exciting ... event is still in the planning stage so watch for details on our Facebook page and website. Joseph is ...

  10. Lesson Plans for Teachers

    workshop the research team presented the student knowledge gaps pertaining to stream and watershed.  These ... and/or nutrients flow in the watershed? Class:  AP Environmental Science Grade:  11-12 Timeframe:  4+, 45 ...
