
Search results

  1. Replanting failed corn stands – herbicide considerations

    Illinois newsletter, “The Bulletin – pest management and crop development information for Illinois”, ...

  2. Xtend soybean/dicamba information

    The latest blog post on the OSU weed management website,, has information on ...

  3. Head Scab Update: Week of May 21

    head scab management, and you will have a 4-5-day window from the day the crop reaches the critical ...

  4. Using Total Quality Management to Organize Labor and Work

    Chris Zoller Extension Agent ANR/CD Tuscawaras County What is Total Quality Management? Total ... Quality Management (TQM) is an approach to managing a business, including a dairy business. The approach ... manage your dairy�s reproductive program, or any other program, it will be easier for you and the hired ...

  5. Farm Financial Analysis- The Ready, Set, Go Program

    Extension; and Barry Ward, OSU Extension, Leader, Production Business Management, Department of Agricultural, ... as control information critical to effective participation in risk management programs. The Ohio Farm ... manage your farm and your farm’s risk. Choose from classes, on-line webinars, or videos, along with ...

  6. Weather Forecast

    of crops with the warm weather. With ample soil moisture in most areas, this will keep the heat in ...

  7. Corn Grain Test Weight

    versa. However, there is little evidence in the research literature that grain test weight has a strong ... end-use products like corn starch, although the research literature does not consistently support this ... again the research literature is not in agreement on this. Whether or not low test weight grain is ...

  8. A Look Back at the Dairy Business of 2013

    managed, and 1 farm was organically managed.  Most farms milked either Holstein or Jersey cattle, with many ... production). *Including revenue adjustments, labor, and management charge **Before labor and management charge ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-17

    (above- and below-ground), including the uptake of the lion's share of soil nutrients for use during ... damage. More information on this evaluation is in the 2000 Agronomic Crops Team On-Farm Research Projects ... nutrients and carbon dioxide into sugars, starches, and other plant dry matter. Subsequently, the stalk ...

  10. Milking Procedures Affect Milk Quality

    milking procedure that emphasizes udder and teat hygiene, along with cow care. Managers should ... a check for any visual symptoms of abnormal milk that should not go into the bulk tank. Research done by ...
