
Search results

  1. Seminar: Lucy Stewart, USDA ARS, Wooster. Cracking waikavirus code: Progress on Maize chlorotic dwarf virus

    Location: Research Services 130 (Wooster) videolinked to Ag Admin 205 (Columbus) ...

  2. Seminar: Terry Niblack, Professor and Chair, Plant Pathology. Assessing Variability in Soybean Cyst Nematode

    Location: Ag Admin 205 (Columbus) videolinked to Research Services 130 (Wooster) ...

  3. Temperature Management in On-farm Grain Bins

    Stored Grain." Grain management with fluctuating temperature, begins with checking the current ... continue running the fans to bring temperature down to the desired range. Other tips for managing stored ...

  4. Remembering John Starling

    our department owes much to his pioneering presence, commitment, and leadership in the agricultual ... education discipline during a period of expansive growth. We extended our deepest sympathies to his family ...

  5. Ohio Agricultural Law Blog--Legislators propose “Clean Lake 2020 Plan” funding to reduce Lake Erie phosphorus

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  6. 2014 Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test

    (Zone 1) silage locations. The Ohio test site was located in our Northwest Region at Hoytville (Wood ...

  7. Alum, former faculty member named to National 4-H Hall of Fame

    the lives of many of our 4-H leaders not only in Ohio but across the country,” he said. “The pleasure ...

  8. Will Planting Delays Require Earlier Maturing Corn Hybrids?

    in some areas, persistent rain and saturated soil conditions have delayed corn planting. The weather ...

  9. Warmer and Drier will be the trend for the rest of the growing season

    events. You can keep up on the latest NOAA/NWS/OHRFC Drought Briefing using our drought briefing page at:  ...

  10. Spitznagel to complete internship with Ohio State Rec Sports

    and design leadership to our team,” said Erin Nusbaum, graphic designer for the Office of Student ...
