
Search results

  1. Troubleshooting Corn Ear Abnormalities

    and manage various ear and kernel anomalies and disorders. Also available is a poster (Fig. 2) ...

  2. Don’t wait to monitor stands

    our “shortened” spring it is going to be very important to assess fields and your seed treatments as ...

  3. Disclosure, Use and Sale Limitations-- The Big Data Confusion: Part 9

    decision about how their data will be used, on their own terms. Farm Management ...

  4. Don’t Press the Panic Button on Soybean Aphid Yet

    the growing season.  Hopefully, most of our soybean are starting to mature and reaching the R6 stage, ...

  5. Late season diseases are making their appearance

    chocolate brown canker will be moving up the stem. Variety selection is key to managing all of these late ...

  6. The Big Data Confusion: Part 2- Education

    (smartphones, iPads, tablets, etc.) where data sharing can occur. Precision Agriculture Farm Management ...

  7. 2016 Central Ohio Agronomy School “The Nuts & Bolts about Corn & Soybean Production”

    Nitrogen Study Research Results. Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist, OSU Extension February 15 – New Spray ...

  8. What's For Dinner Tonight?

    food is something that we enjoy.  We may have learned from our moms or grandmothers, or maybe another ...

  9. Lots of Fungicides to Choose From, but Choose Wisely

    Caramba (metconazole) are your best fungicides for managing scab and vomitoxin, make sure you have the ...

  10. Direct Marketing Webinar-Managing Negativity

    Link to webinar: Speaker(s):  Rob Leeds & Jacci Smith It is best to log in about 15 minutes prior to the start time so that you can make sure you are able to log in, and that your sound is working properly. NOTE: ...
